Friday, September 14, 2007

America the "Ugly"

“Ugly Betty” is so lame! Can I get a “hell yes!”?!?!?
Seriously, I don’t watch TV to see “ugly” (they said it first) people. I work for the City of Philadelphia and this place is a freaky deaky freakshow 24/7.
I watch TV to see the likes LC from “The Hills” who may not be beautiful but her lifestyle sure is. Then there are the dudes – Sawyer from “Lost”, the little Italian guy on “Heroes” who played Sly Stallone’s son in the latest “Rocky” movie with the unpronounceable name. That’s what I’m talking about. That is quality programming!
Can ABC just cancel the effing boring-ass show and admit that that shit is only on because it makes them feel less superficial. These are the same people who air “All my…” freaking “Children”.
I’m just sticking with HBO. “The Wire” is great TV!!!!